October 5, 2024

What does it really mean to know oneself, inside and out? Écorché, a term translated to “flayed”, is a sculpture that was developed for western medical and artistic studies in the 15th century when dissection was still considered taboo. Early models were carved from bone, wood and other natural materials, detailing muscular and skeletal systems for study of anatomy. These sculptures were also worn as adornments by figures of the highest status.

This écorché half-skin portrait is an actual recreation of Danny's head and the skull that lies beneath. The aged patina gives it the look and feel of a relic of the past.  

Écorché art direction by Berit Gwendolyn Gilma.

Danny Elfman, Écorché Half-Skin Portrait, Large

5 inches (on stand)

Danny Elfman, Écorché Half-Skin Portrait, Small

 2 ¼ " x 1 ¼ inches